
Rzetelni w Biznesie

Umacnia wiarygodność Firmy.

Strengthens the credibility of the awarded company

Increases company’s prestige

Builds the trust of business partners, clients and contractors

Creates a positive image

Strengthens the position of the awarded company on the market

Underlines the reliability and professionalism of business activities

Confirms the high quality of the offered products

Increases motivation among employees

Co-creates patterns which are worth following

We are one of the Award winners in the prestigious RZETELNI project!

The Office of the Management Board

ul. Kościuszki 58, 33-380 Krynica Zdrój


tel. +48 18 471 22 54
fax. +48 18 471 21 34

President of the Management Board

tel. +48 18 471 22 54

Vice-President of the Management Board

tel. +48 18 477 71 24

Marketing Department

tel. +48 18 477 70 47

Sales Department

tel. +48 18 471 21 34

Accounting Department

tel. +48 18 471 21 45

Contact for press

Magdalena Zawadzka-Wojtaszek Design PR
tel. +48 606 632 181

Address company

ul.Lipowa 5, 33-370 Muszyna

tel. 18 47 14 075
fax. 18 47 19 063

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